Tomatoes Tomatoes
Thursday, February 23, 2012
My best experience in Vietnam
Ok, wow. I don't know how to describe what happened. In the morning I jumped on a boat. At first we stopped at some "Disneyland" inspired aquarium. "Great!" I thought to myself, "This is going to be the most touristy bullshit experience of history of men kind". Whatever. Next was snorkelling. That was nice. Ok, maybe I was wrong. This could turn to be an ok piece of the trip. There was a coral reef, lots of fish, real nice. Apparently we are stopping somewhere for lunch. I thought that was included. And it is, BUT at this stop you can order paid fresh seafood to go with your lunch - of course, everything included is not really everything. I guess "lunch partially included" doesn't sell as well. And there we arrive. My favourite place in Vietnam. Not surprisingly, a bar. But not just a bar. A floating boteco island, with no chairs nor tables, all made out of wood, with one piece of roof; sit on the floor policy, with little pools in its surrounds. Each little pool consists of a net with live, still-in-the-sea-water fresh, of all kinds and soon to be called, seafood. Just pick and choose. At first I was just looking around, taking photos. Until I hear the sounds of people "hoo-ray-ing" in what it sounded like Vietnamese. More specifically, the sound of people "hoo-ray-ing" alcohol in what it sounded like Vietnamese. I get closer. A couple of the Latvian people are already having shots with the locals. I join in. Two shots/1 minute later, each shot accompanied by a piece of mysterious, fresh and delicious seafood, without having to pay for it, just as a guest, I was asked to sit down. Give one of the girls a kiss (in the cheek! you and your dirty mind!), have another few shots, eat, clap when they sing. When they sing... Wow! I was in another world. That was it. No tourist bullshit, no people trying to sell you shit, no "look, he is a foreigner; lets try to get his money". Just them. Vietnamese people. Being themselves, simply enjoying life, having fun to the fact that they had some gringos crashing their lunch. It was Vietnamese culture. The songs where made out of one stupidly fucked up guitar (which I used to rock the boat and to play for my recently made local friends at the bar), claps, voices and a massive amount of energy. They were happy. They were friends. I realize much later, already in the hotel room, that I have crashed a company party. I was thinking of heritage and how the older person is so well respected in Asian cultures, and it didn't click when the one person that spoke very little English pointed to the elder man and told me "he is the boss". He actually meant "the boss". They were having a company trip coming from a city in the North. I don't know what kind of company it was or which job did anyone do, but as far as I'm concerned, they could have well been a public relations agency. And I think that's what's so amazing... the fact that these people, where the Vietnamese “me” people. The ones that have a life there, in that place, and they go to work and go out and have fun. They are friends, they go out and drink together, eat together, enjoy themselves. And there it is. The best memory I will have from this trip. Sure, its not over yet, but its going to be very hard to top that. I really wonder if they could compete with Google for the 'best work place' award.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sugiro o som de Maggie May pra esse post
Fiquei um tempo sem escrever porque nas montanhas de Sapa nao tinha como transferir as fotos pro PC.
Um lugar muito vivo.
Um monte de vilarejos ao redor.
Um grande problema: virou muito comercial.
Infinitos moradores de vilarejos das redondezas tentando vender artesanato na rua, a ponto de entrar em restaurantes pra perguntar se voce nao quer comprar, nao mesmo, tem certeza, compra vai.
Mas ainda assim um lugar muito bonito.
Dia 1 cheguei nesse vilarejo que ficava por entre as montanhas, por onde o rio corre, ao lado de uma cachoeira. Cheguei depois das 5, depois que o comercrio fechou e foi uma experiencia menos "nao obrigado, nao obrigado, vai embora".
Dia 2 e 3 foram outros vilarejos, tambem muito bonitos.
A neblina estava extremamente densa, sempre.
Enchi o saco do frio e vim pra Nanh Tram, na costa sul. Aqui estah quente e as praias parecem lindas.
Mando noticias daqui em breve.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Hanoi nights
Nao sei porque nao tinha pensado em tirar fotos de Hanoi a noite ainda. Eh um festival de luzes se cruzando por todos os lados, luzes fracas dos postes de rua, umas mais fortes dos poucos carros que passam, luzes das cozinhas que ficam abertas praticamente na calcada (com cedilha).
Os tempos de Hanoi estao pra acabar. Mais um ou dois dias e parto para o que mais o Vietnam tem a oferecer.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Music for my eyes
Jah tinha ido a feira de Hanoi com a Ngan (a estudante que me deu um tour pela cidade). Como a Ngan estava me acompanhando nao quis ficar tirando foto porque ia gastar o dia inteiro da menina por lah, mas jah sabia que voltaria em busca de uma rave fotografica.
Peixes de varios tipos diferentes, enguias, tartarugas, mariscos, lagostas, galinhas, patos todos ainda vivos e a venda; frutas de todos os tipos, conhecidos e desconhecidos; alho, cebola, gengibre, tudo que voce pensa que encontraria numa feira e mais.
Sao muitas fotos. E todas sem ajeitar uma cereja pro lado, tudo como encontrado.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Eu comi!
Nao eh soh o fato das coxinhas virem como uma perna inteira, incluindo patinhas, fritas e com os dedinhos da pomba enrolados, como um pombo que acabou de ser pescado.
Tambem nao eh o fato das asinhas nao se parecerem nada com as de frango, mas com as de pombo.
Eh a cabecinha do bicho, caida de lado, posta acima e entre as asas, que por sua vez foram postas acima das coxas, formando a imagem perfeita de um pombo que foi atingido durante voo e faleceu ali mesmo, naquele prato.
Com chilli.
Mas tava bom.
Fica aih a minha historia de valentao de cadeia (o cara que jah comeu pomba).
Cuongh Cam Village
As pessoas do vilarejo muito amistosas, apesar de nao falar ingles, vieram puxar conversa, nao tinham vergonha de sair nas fotos (e sem cobrar nada), nao querendo vender nada. Foi uma experiencia bem legal.
Comprei umas roupas mais quentes pra ir pra Sapa, aparentemente vai estar gelado por lah.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Outro mundo

Pela noite fiquei com fome por algo que nao asiatico - comendo muita comida asiatica nesses ultimos dias. Achei um restaurante que vendia steak. Que bom! Fiquei numa mesinha na varanda no segundo andar soh contemplando as motos e carros e pessoas carregando mercadorias passando pela rua, reparando quao diferente eh esse mundo de tudo que eu jah conheci. Eh praticamente um outro universo onde como se tudo que jah conheci nao existisse. O steak foi familiar.
Foi um dia tranquilo. Acho que amanha vou a um vilarejo antigo. Imagino que as fotos lah saiam legais.
PS: Faco upload de mais fotos no Facebook quando estiver em casa. Aqui Facebook nao existe.
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